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douche bloke.

Random rantings of a young boy living in his own world. He pen down his thoughts and share his experiences. I am Ren, speaking on behalf of himself.
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Every year, Ren will have to face his biggest dilemma which is cleaning his room for the upcoming festive season. It is not necessary to clean but friends and relatives would come over to visit. Although guest are only limited to the living room but some would come and crash Ren's room. Saying is easy but doing it is even harder! He don't know where to start, what to change and what stays. Here are this year Ren's dilemma.

1) Keep that guitar hero set somewhere else
2) Clean dressing area. Wipe clean the mirror.
3) Sell away PS2 or Wii since Ren doesn't play them anymore.
4) Clean the tv counter.
5) Repaint the walls?
6) Dust the blinds.
7) Clear the computer/study table.
8) Change the photo in the frames
9) What color bedsheets?
10) Lastly, clear away unwanted clothes!
Okay, Ren better start deciding what to keep and what to change. And better start it now!

@ 10:17 PM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's a Saturday and Ren is at home, all alone! Nonetheless, it's okay. He had much fun at Zouk yesterday and deserve some rest. Oh wells, anyway since Ren is alone and hungry, he decided to cook for himself! Surprise? You shouldn't be. He's a great cook whom always cook for himself. Okay, I kid. Anyhow, today's menu is *drum rolls* Mushroom baked rice! And he's gonna share with you guys how it should be prepared! It's actually simple and easy!

Since it's called mushroom baked rice, you will obviously need mushrooms. Ren use lots of it as he love mushrooms! You can also add other toppings and Ren decided to add cheese sausages. (please ensure to rinse the mushrooms first!)

Slice them up into desired size that will fit perfectly into your mouth without having the need to cut them up later on while eating.
Now you need cooked rice and place it in an oven-safe bowl. (you can use aluminium tray too) Quantity depends on the size of the bowl and number of people you're serving.
Now add Mozzarella cheese on top of the rice. Ren added lots and lots of cheese! All up to your preference. Note, Ren did not add cream sauce as he don't really like it. But if you want, add it before the cheese.
Now add the mushrooms and sausages! Add a little cheese on top and it's ready to be baked!
Now bake in preheated oven at 200C for about 20 to 25minutes or until cheese turns slightly brown.
And there you go! Your very first baked rice! Simple isn't it? and of course tasty too!

@ 11:43 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Okay, so life have been a bitch lately with 10 million assignments/fyp. Ren is drained, very actually. This has affect his health and fitness so badly. Getting skinnier by day and sick almost everyday! When can Ren look at the mirror again and admire his once-beautiful-perfect-body? Okay luh, it's never that perfect, but at least, not at thin as now. Only bones and skin? He needs more meat. Hopefully, after fyp in few months time and than graduation and than NS and then he get to built up his body. :D Dream on Ren.

@ 12:42 AM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Just to inform you souls out there: Ren is as busy as bee! Although it's only the beginning of the semester, but workloads doesn't seem to have any sympathy towards Ren. Designs after designs, fyp after fyp; enough to kill Ren and squeeze his already-so-little brain juice out. Anyhow, good news people! Term break holidays is just a week away. A little time to relax and take a breather! For all of you in your final year, don't stress out! Learn to take a little breather and stop growing white hairs already! Ren wishes felicitaciones y todo lo mejor (aka all the best in spanish) to those in their final year. :D

@ 7:27 AM

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This post is random I tell you. Hee :D
1) Ren had a sudden urge to blade again after that BBQ pit. Anyone? Anyway, other photos from that event can found HERE.
2) Ren had a haircut. (annoying faces I warn you ah!) 3) Ren miss making music with RP Wind Symphony :(
And miss that hairstyle too. (FYI, Ren is standing on last row, 2nd from left) :D
4) RIP to Mumu who died on 31st March 2010 :( She's only 3 years old but according to hamster year, she's probably 70 years old? Below are Mimi and Momo whom are only 7months? Lazy asses just like Ren. :D

@ 7:09 AM

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Have you ever wondered how much you have changed and matured subconsciouly over time? I am talking about character, attitude, behaviour and blah blah. Likewise, your inner self. Your inner self or your 'soul' is what i believe puppeted your body. Without it, you are just a plain woodblock without any movements or feelings and character. Let's not go too deep analysising and discussing about that theoretical nonsense here. My point is that, it is not easy realising your change in attitude and character in view of the fact that it is part of growing up and we subconsciouly do it. We don't change drastically, in which you woke up one day to a completely different person, I believe we change slowly over time. Sadly, there are no instruments or tools to measure that change. What you need is just one person (whom knew you for a long period of time) to tell you off. That's when everything around you just stops and there you go, into your deep thoughts. Some change for the better while some for the worst. All dependable on this core contributing factors, social circle and yeah, your own self. You tend to get influenced by your peers, family members and the society around you. How much time you spend with them, determine how easily you are picking up bits of their character/behaviour. If you hang around with bunch of civilized people, then congratulations to you, likewise if you hang around with barbaric people, then sucks for you. That is why prior to what i said, one of the core factor that change you is your own self. I, myself at times struggle to spot the change until my friends for 7 years or my mom to tell me off, in which most of it are unplesant to my own ears. I don't blame anyone or anything for the change, i blame myself. Okay moving on, unlike behaviour and character which are imperceptible, looks/appearance are more blatant. I believe, everyone started of being nerds/geeks and as we grow up, some remain a geek while most trying their best to look good. And if possible, be the limelight of the society. And yes! I change too. I am vainer now where looks and appearance are my utmost priority in life. How I wish, i was like before, couldn't careless about anything. I've said enough, hope you people get my drift. I'll end this post with 2 pictures of me before I think i've changed. Spot me!

@ 11:43 AM

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ren finally found a closure to his, 'once-a-never-ending-sorrowness'. Like finally, he is able to decipher that cosset of his undying emotional confusion. The pain is shrinking, thanks to the deep thoughts he reason and ponder upon every single night for the last 4 months. Initially, he can't understand the stubborn pain that wouldn't go away, but now he does. He always put blame to the brokened love that bring about the sorrowness in his life, but so much he didn't realise it was actually the feel of regret that have been pulling him down to rock bottom. The word 'regret' is the right term to use as for now and not 'broken hearted'. It's nothing about love anymore, all these while, it only revolve around the feel of regret. Hah, silly. So how he managed to cure those pain that cause 'blisters' on his heart? A simple question to ask and with a simple answer to go by it. Why regret prior to the choice that you made ealier on? Isn't that being hypocritical? Indeed. Besides, if you choose to make that choice, then don't regret later as at that point what you did was exactly what you wanted to do. Ren would like to thank his dear friends who have been tolerating his non-stop whining and crying and what not. Also the words of encouragement and motivation that they have been giving without complains. Thank you all, Ren is now fully healed. :D

@ 11:51 PM